
The brainfuck language is a programming language created by Urban Müller, who wanted to create the smallest possible compiler. Hence, he created a language that is made up of pointers. Anyone who knows c/c++ hire is the equivalents of a c++ code:

> becomes++p;
< becomes--p;
+ becomes++*p;
- becomes--*p;
. becomesputchar(*p);
, becomes*p = getchar();
[ becomeswhile (*p) {
] becomes}

This is what a hello world program looks like in Brainfuck:
[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<- array="" br="" in="" initial="" loop="" set="" the="" to="" up="" useful="" values="">>++.                             Print 'H'
>+.                              Print 'e'
+++++++.                         Print 'l'
.                                Print 'l'
+++.                             Print 'o'
>++.                             Print ' '
<<+++++++++++++++.               Print 'W'
>.                               Print 'o'
+++.                             Print 'r'
------.                          Print 'l'
--------.                        Print 'd'
>+.                              Print '!'
>.                               Print newline 
So writing a bigger program is not an easy job to do. Anyway, it's a cool language because as the program gets bigger, there are small chances that anyone other would understand it.
There is an online interpreter made in PHP.

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